I'm back! It's been a while, I know. Hobart was lovely, then the second we got back work got all crazy, so now I feel like I haven't had a holiday at all. Wah! Oh well. So... Hobart:
We were supposed to land in Hobart Wednesday morning - but since the ash cloud from Chile was stil hanging around being all anoying and stuff we didn't end up flying until Friday morning. Which was fine really, we ended up heading down to my folks place on the Central Coast for a couple of days which was loverly. So we arrived at Sydney airport all chipper Friday morning - it was absolutely chocka block full of travellers trying to get home or wherever since the airlines were clearing the backlog of passengers, then Jetstars checking systemn went down. Woohoo! (not.)
Once we'd landed and gatehred all our baggage we headed to North Hobart for some much needed snacks and exploring:
Next we headed to Carlys mums parter, John's place in Lenah Valley. Check out the lovely view from our temporary bedroom window!:
And then, there were the kitties. A siamese called Simmy:
And a burmese called Swetty.
Nope, she's not angry in that photo, it's just her face. Seriously. Stangest looking cat I've ever seen. Ever.
Haylz x