Lately it seems like every time I feel like I've got my grip on everything, something comes along to throw everything out of whack. It really is beginning to drive me up the wall. Still, I'm rolling with the punches and I'm determined to push through to the other side once again!
It's time to dust myself off, refocus, prioritise, and dig my heel back into the ground. So, here goes...
This is, officially, my career decision and direction. It's taken a whole lot of time, effort and direction changes (two University degrees, a year in sales, a good hard stab at the music industry, and my very own small business in events) and this is the one thing that I can actually see myself doing forever. I've got the camers and I've signed up for an online diploma and finished my first assignment, but I'm pretty behind. So from now on, this is numero uno.
Making the Moneys
It's pretty impossible to do anything in this world without cashola. Especially considering all the gear I'm going to be needing for the photography... Also I currentlyhave three computers in my possession, and every single one of them is buggered. Busted. Overworked and slugginsh.
I've actually recently started a new job which I LOVE. I'm working for a very brilliant friend of mine who runs her own videography/photography business. If you want to check it out have a look here. Right now I'm marketing the living daylight out of the business, so with any luck there'll be some photography work for me there once I'm all studied and experienced up! Huzzah!
Chicks with Picks
This has been my little baby for two and a half years now, and there is so much potential here that it's ridiculous. So, we're taking a month or two off to totally refresh the whole thing. It's all very, very exciting!
This time last year I was neck deep in a relationship and had let my friend fall by the wayside. I've grown a really beautiful and loyal group of friends over the past few months. No matter what happens I don't want to lose that. God knows I'm been in a right state at the moment if they were't all around.
Definitely something I tend to let fall by the wayside when the world flips upside down, So maybe I won't always blog every single day, but its something that keeps me creative, and sometimes I need a little extra motivation. So from now on its minimum 2 posts a week. That might not seem like much, but its better than I've been lately!
Another thing that I've surely let fall by the wayside of late is my health. I've stacked on an obscene amount of weight since I moved to Sydney three years ago (holy crap, is it really THREE YEARS?? Wow...). Enough of that now. Srsly. Time to get my butt back to the gym and rid of those crappy snacks from my mouth!
Bring it.
Haylz x