I want new glasses. Badly. Srsly. I've had mine for almost 5 years now, and they are awful. Aw-ful. I bought them when I was at uni in Bathurst and they were one of only two pairs of black plastic frames in the shop, they're unisex (which is fine) and they're Nike (which is not).
So lately I've been trawling the net for a fancy pair of pretty vintage frames. Pretty much the only place that I can find high quality and reasonably well priced fancy frames is, surprise surprise, Etsy.
So many gorgeous frames! So many options! What on earth is a girl to do?
I dunno, pick a pair I guess.
Help me!
The clear plastic look is killer. And the silver horns... Oh my.
Erm, most amazing detail ever!
Two tone, best of both worlds. Lurve it.
Again with the ahmahzing detail!
You all know how I feel about colourful things. Maybe not for an everyday frame, but special occassions...
As above.
So simple. Perfectly shaped. Perfectly perfect.
See, I think I'm going to end up falling for a giant pair like this...
And tortoisehell, ever a classic. And just a little bit Jessica Day...
If you know of any other fab places to buy pretty vintage frames please let me know!
Then again, I'm having enough trouble picking a pair as it is, perhaps i'ts best I remain in the dark...
Haylz x
Wow, I LOVE the acrylic/clear glasses! So. Cool.
Posted by: Sara | 24 April 2012 at 12:02 PM
50s will already look "dated" in a good way. Too 80s will look dated way too soon.
Posted by: Meghan | 05 May 2012 at 04:22 AM