Hello there!
Remember this post? The one where I gushed over my fave vintage store in the whoooole woooorrrld? The one that used to be called Three5Nine King but has now been rebranded as an Australian Red Cross Store? Well I totally volunteer there now. And, I LOVE IT!
It's only a few hours a week, but it gives me a bit of retail experience which'll be fab down the line, plus I get to spend a few hours a week around a whole heap of beautiful clothes and pretty things. I mean, just check out all the colours, simply gorgeous.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I offered to take a few photos for their facebook page etc, so that's what I did today... before I shopped. What fun! Below are a few of my fave shots, for the whole heap just head to my flickr.
Where's your favourite place to do your vintage shopping?
Haylz x